melle-belle's Diaryland Diary



Thinking about moving again. The cost of living here is not that high, but neither are the salaries. We are not getting ahead the way we want to. We are not making financial strides towards a house and the accumulation of advanced degrees. We are not building a nest egg for the tiny monkey's expensive private education.

I enjoy my job. I don't enjoy that it is a 120 mile daily commute. Think of my impact on the ozone! I am respected and valued and pretty well compensated. The bonuses are large, and even if my base is not what it was at my last job, it is higher than it was two jobs previous when I was in the same industry. Also, there is room for growth.

I am not happy with the housing market. There isn't much that I would want to buy, if I could buy. The newer communities that have modern enough houses to please do not put me any closer to work.

We have considered moving to Europe for a stint. The one with more marketable skills in my marriage (not me) has applied to several positions and often is contacted for interviews, but nothing has panned out yet. A lot of educated people would like to do a stint in Europe for a prestigious international organization; competition is fierce. He has just interviewed for another such position, in Vienna this time. Last time was the Hague. Before that, Oslo.

North Carolina popped into my head the other day. I brought it up aloud and now one of us has found a very interesting position for a university and will be applying for it this weekend. It is so much more money than he makes here. At the higher end, it would be what he and I make put together (before my bonus). I would not have to work, though I would want to. But this means that my work can be less financially lucrative and more in line with where I would like my career to go. My work can be part time. I can also finish my Master's degree much more quickly and do new work.

We can probably buy a house sooner there. Should we though? I don't know if we will ever want to stay anywhere.

6:02 p.m. - 2014-06-07


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