melle-belle's Diaryland Diary


advanced maternal age

In this, my one and only life, I'm far more likely to regret forgoing the Northern lights; harvest time in Tuscany; Pompeii, Versuvius and Paestum; Machu Picchu; Provencial markets and that South of France light; South American glaciers; sea bass pulled from Mediterranean; and any number of things unlisted than a baby. I married a man who wants a baby (and I didn't think it sounded awful). Oh, not now. Eventually. He doesn't seem to think we are running out of time, but I feel like a time bomb is ticking. Let me say this: I like babies. I love toddlers. The rest of it... less enthused. If I have one accidentally, all will be well. But I can't imagine having one on purpose any time soon. I am willing to divorce over this issue, over him having what he wants and me not having to give up Greece and all the rest of it.

6:30 p.m. - 2012-08-20


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