melle-belle's Diaryland Diary



My usual office-mate went on PTO Thursday and Friday, so I've had the joint to myself. This independence has resulted in an even higher caliber of non-work. I never hide the fact from her that I am sorely under-utilized, but attempt to open a work related program every hour on the hour. Yesterday and this morning, I started and finished a book titled, "French Kids Eat Everything." This afternoon, I am plowing through "Raising Up Bebe." As my 31st birthday quickly approaches, and lurking behind it, the end of prime child-bearing years, I am compelled to research whether motherhood must be the soul-crushing descent into crumb-covered madness I have so often observed. I am no Frenchie-lover, but these two books seem to imply that no, I would not have to be a slave to tiny humans. It is an adult world and I am teaching you how to live in it, thank you very much. But you can still play freely and be adorable, just mind your manners and eat your fucking vegetables. Chicken nuggets and plain pasta every day of the week? Non!

I always drink a lot of water, but the last few days have been a whole new level. I should have kept count. I've taken at least five trips to the bathroom so far today and feel another one coming. I've completely unzipped my pants to stave it off a few more minutes. Shoes off too, by the way.

I looked up some private schools in Albuquerque. Muy expensivo. I guess I have to work. Oh, well. I've resigned myself to it already. More travel, a new car in the next couple years, private school tuition for well-fed and behaved bebes, and let's face it, 50% of the marrieds end up the divorceds. So, I'll have my own money.

I have to pee.

1:30 p.m. - 2012-06-08


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