melle-belle's Diaryland Diary


The Great White North

People last night talked about you, and about some devastatingly endearing thing that you are doing these days. It is a thing I never saw, but it sure sounded like you. They take such ownership of you, mention this friend of theirs, as if your lips never spent the night on the back of my neck. I swear I gave you your nickname, though it has become such a legend, such a long-standing part of your lore, and everyone has a tale of its origin and how it is they gave you that name. New people, newly minted best friends of yours, who met you after I'd already lost you, invert the order. They say, no, it's ZYX when everyone who was there when you were fresh and new knows that obviously it is XYZ. You are always my XYZ. It hurts to think of crossed paths and bad timing all these years later, but even then I knew that the best path was never going to be you.

9:48 p.m. - 2010-04-10


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